Thursday 2 May 2013

My name is Lauren Willcox. I am a 17 year old teenager who loves technology.
My blog is all about the development of Pokemon over the last 18 years. 

I am a big gamer when it comes to Pokemon, and as it was first released the year I was born it was a game I grew up with. Each year when a game was released or when it was on the TV or in the Cinema, I would know about it and I would buy it, go the cinema or "tape it" on the TV as it was back then! 

Because my blog is all about developing technologies, I will be mainly focusing on how the technology the creators of Pokemon have changed and updated the technology they have used over the years. 

Tuesday 30 April 2013

As we all know we are in the era of 3D imagery. So the creators of Pokemon are releasing a new Pokemon game in full 3D graphics named Pokemon X&Y.This is amazing!

3D game play for the new Pokemon games.
This is an incredible change from the very first original games to now! Considering I was amazed with the graphics on the first DS games.

These games will be released on the Nintendo 3DS so unfortunately it won't be available on the DS :(

Since the Nintendo 3DS has been released we have seen more and more games only set to be released on this console and this may have influenced thee creators of Pokemon to release the newer games on the newer console.

3D is a major development for Pokemon as it lets us as game players have more of an availability to see and have a better feel to the game! I know I will love to play this game when it's released as it will be a new experience for me. I'm so excited for it!

Since all of the Nintendo DS Pokemon games have been released we have only seen little changes with graphics and the technology, this could of been a clue to a game being released in full 3D.


Thursday 25 April 2013

Since the Nintendo DS was released in 2005 we have seen a significant change in the quality of the graphics and the technology used!

It was like a New era for the Pokemon games.

The graphics on the new Pokemon games now have colour and 3D images. This is a big change in technology. 

Diamond and Pearl were the first two Pokemon games to be released on the DS! As a Pokemon lover I was over the moon to find out about this! I loved it, Diamond was and still is my all time favourite game on the DS! Well aside from Red Version (that will always be my fave!) 

Thursday 18 April 2013

Another subject I like to talk about is how much the Pokemon have changed.

For example I'm sure as many other Pokemon lovers or anyone who has played the games or even watched the cartoon, have noticed changes with the Pokemon, such as Pikachu. Personally I think this is one Pokemon who has undertook a great deal of change!

This is an early image of Pikachu  From this we can see that he is bigger in size and his colour is a lot paler than the newer image of Pikachu.

Now Pikachu is smaller in size and a brighter yellow. Just by looking a the pictures you can see a clear change of style.

As a frequent gamer of Pokemon I don't necessarily see the smaller changes with the Pokemon. I do see when there has been a great deal of change as it is something you won't miss!

These are various pictures of how the Pokemon will look in the new games due to be released later this year. As you can see from the pictures I have posted you can clearly see how much technology has moved on along with the image of the Pokemon.

Thursday 11 April 2013

As we have seen over each game which have been released there have been significant changes with the technologies that have been used including the consoles, and the changes with the characters and the Pokemon! 

For example I am sure we can all remember when the first Gameboy was released. 

This is it! 
It has very basic technology, 2D pixelated black and white images. 
It is also big in size along with the games too! 
Now we can see how technology changed within 2 years of the first one being released. These came in a range of colours and different styles, from block colours to see through colours and special editions. Including a Pikachu one!

Along side the release of the Gameboy Colour these are the popular games of Pokemon. 
The games were big in size but again the graphics didn't change much but they had some colour to them, but still 2D pixelated images.