Thursday 18 April 2013

Another subject I like to talk about is how much the Pokemon have changed.

For example I'm sure as many other Pokemon lovers or anyone who has played the games or even watched the cartoon, have noticed changes with the Pokemon, such as Pikachu. Personally I think this is one Pokemon who has undertook a great deal of change!

This is an early image of Pikachu  From this we can see that he is bigger in size and his colour is a lot paler than the newer image of Pikachu.

Now Pikachu is smaller in size and a brighter yellow. Just by looking a the pictures you can see a clear change of style.

As a frequent gamer of Pokemon I don't necessarily see the smaller changes with the Pokemon. I do see when there has been a great deal of change as it is something you won't miss!

These are various pictures of how the Pokemon will look in the new games due to be released later this year. As you can see from the pictures I have posted you can clearly see how much technology has moved on along with the image of the Pokemon.

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