Thursday 11 April 2013

As we have seen over each game which have been released there have been significant changes with the technologies that have been used including the consoles, and the changes with the characters and the Pokemon! 

For example I am sure we can all remember when the first Gameboy was released. 

This is it! 
It has very basic technology, 2D pixelated black and white images. 
It is also big in size along with the games too! 
Now we can see how technology changed within 2 years of the first one being released. These came in a range of colours and different styles, from block colours to see through colours and special editions. Including a Pikachu one!

Along side the release of the Gameboy Colour these are the popular games of Pokemon. 
The games were big in size but again the graphics didn't change much but they had some colour to them, but still 2D pixelated images. 

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